I would like to know why you think animal abuse occurs?
I am not talking about animal experimentation as that is not technically considered abuse (even thought it is), I am wondering about the everyday backyard (or in home) pet, the farm animals, those kept in roadside tourist attractions. And the abuse is not always physical, although that is the most easily recognizable form.....it can also be mental or emotional.
Why would someone starve a dog to death? Why would a horse be beaten so badly that it’s becomes fearful of all human contact? As I am sure you are well aware, there are many more graphic examples, which will not be described in these pages. But what I am interested in is the why....and your thoughts on the matter?
Having worked in animal rescue for many years, I can honestly say that I have no answers. Some abusers seem to feel that they’ve done nothing wrong. Others make excuses for their behavior or for the animal’s condition. Many of the ‘owners’ want the animal back.
Is it lack of income to care for the animal? Is it an attitude taught from childhood? What exactly is it in a person that makes them say, “It is OK for me to starve this little dog to death.”
I recently had the honor of working with some rescued horses at Hidden Creek Stables in Western Michigan. These were animals that had seen the very worst the human race had to offer. Yet, with the patience, love and respect of the dedicated rescuers, these horses have learned to trust humanity again. What a gift! And how hard it must have been for these beautiful animals to open their hearts to love!
Imagine me, a stranger, entering a corral of horses who had no reason at all to trust me. With one ‘come here’ wiggle of a finger, the horses trustingly approached and with one ‘back and forth’ finger motion, they stopped right in front of me. That is how sensitive they are—able to watch small finger motions and act accordingly. Such a humbling experience!
So, dear readers, I would like to hear your opinions. Why do you think animal abuse is so prevalent in today’s society?