Links - Recommended Sites
Listed below are links to charities and businesses that I wholeheartedly support. Please check them out!
Ogalala Pet Project

"Oglala Pet Project (OPP) is a 100% volunteer driven, community based non-profit organization located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Despite daily life struggles, the Oglala people have tremendous spirit for all animals. OPP was founded to help community members care for their animals and improve the quality of life for pets through education, spay/neuter support, pet health resources, and the re-homing or networking of abandoned, abused or unwanted pets on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation."
Memory Stones by Jodi

Please check out Memory stones by Jodi! Wonderful handcrafted pieces made incorporating the fur or ashes of your beloved pet. A portion of all proceeds is donated to animal related charities.

"At the PetMassage Training and Research Institute we train people to give educated, competent and confident nurturing massage to their dogs. We train trainers in PetMassage techniques and theories to reach and teach more dog owners. We increase public and professional awareness of the uses and benefits of PetMassage. PetMassage techniques are compatible with every known form of canine care, from the traditional veterinary to esoteric energy-massage therapies."